Paris Office
Tel: +33 1 78787404
Tel + 33646345955 (24/7)
Horizon Entertainment Cargo Paris office is strategically placed in the bustling cargo center at Paris Charles de Gaulle from where all our clients' time sensitive entertainment logistics across France and beyond are controlled 24/7
Having an HEC office at Paris/CDG allows us to look at various client’s shipment budget options in Europe enabling us to often return your tour production freight to CDG for its export shipment from there even when your final tour date is in another EEC country altogether where possibly we could not obtain the same favoured HEC rate for you to match a keener HEC/CDG negotiated rate and so then also, coupled with HEC’s operational knowledge of the Paris/CDG system as well as our long term familiar Customs working relationship at Paris CDG also this is often a smoother, reliable and more budget friendly option for HEC clients, a preferable export alternative altogether.
HEC/CDG logistics centre is managed and controlled by Antonio Santos, himself already a nationally renowned and highly respected name in the French specialist logistics industry as well as also being internationally connected with time sensitive freight business too. Until very recently, Antonio has for many years been CEO for various major US & European names at the top of the international freight forwarding industry as well as also having been an active player in the HEC world network logistics team for 14 years too, so HEC are finally very proud to announce that Antonio Santos now has his own official HEC/Paris operational office and managing all HEC network’s time sensitive client operations in France, Spain, Portugal, North Africa and beyond too, as nowhere is there an alien territory for this man to operate in logistically due to both his impressive career experience coupled with his specialist freight forwarding talents.
Until very recently, Antonio has for many years been CEO for various major US & European names at the top of the international freight forwarding industry as well as also having been an active player in the HEC world network logistics team for 14 years too, so HEC are finally very proud to announce that Antonio Santos now has his own official HEC/Paris operational office and managing all HEC network’s time sensitive client operations in France, Spain, Portugal, North Africa and beyond too, as nowhere is an alien territory for this man to operate in logistically due to both his impressive career experience coupled with his specialist freight forwarding talents.
Antonio is very active in the handling of the HEC Aircraft charter business also due to his 25yrs working in and handling of private charter operations worldwide including also many off track locations such as Iraq and Afghanistan too so, whatever it is you would ever require from HEC for your tour charter requirements be it either passenger wise which can be anything from a private 4 x seated single passenger puddle jumper to a Boeing 747 passenger jet or for a freight charter service which can be anything from a Piper Navajo to an Antonov Myria 225 for your touring concert production it is never a problem for HEC to organise.
So maybe next tour when you are seeking a competitive charter price or you already have one but also require an alternative price to satisfy management demands then contact Antonio to check out with him as to what he can provide you with budget wise too as not only are we talking possible keener rates here you are also acquiring somebody overseeing your time sensitive tour charter ops that has already been there and covered that same time sensitive operation many times before.
Give HEC/Paris office a call anytime you require assistance for your tour freight, tour charter or any time sensitive logistics needs as there is nothing too big or too small that we cannot manage for you anywhere in the world successfully if it is in the realms of logistical possibility of course.
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